Monday 5 December 2011

Liver Disease Epidemic?

A health warning in the North East of the country has been reported after the number of alcoholic liver disease patients (early thirties) has increased by 400% in 8 years. It should also be noted that nationally we have seen an increase of 61%.

Specialists believe the cost of alcohol and the way in which it is advertised have lead to our 'drinking culture'. This appears to be having a massive affect on the health of the nation. Many young people are being diagnosed with terminal liver disease and unless we change our drinking habits this is only likely to worsen.
One of the major issues is that alcohol is widely available and teenagers are drinking from a younger age. However we are working towards altering the rules on advertising and broadcasting the sale of alcohol, which should hopefully help to alter the public's view on drinking.

I think this article shows the importance of prevention campaigns and informing the right populations to make sure the message comes across. This should influence our behaviour and hopes to change it for the better.

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