Monday 12 December 2011

Alzheimer's News

Can Eating Fish Protect Against Alzheimer's?
Several newspapers have reported that people who eat grilled or baked fish once a week are 5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease. The study conducted at Pittsburgh University has looked at the relationship between eating fish and cognitive decline. It is thought to be linked to the omega-3 fatty acids  however the study did not consider other lifestyle of dietary factors.
A New Alzheimer's Jab in the UK?
A new injection is being tested aiming to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The medication works by accelerating the break down of Amyloid Beta. These protein plaques which build up in the brain cause the microfibrils to lose their integrity and lead to cognitive decline. The drug, Gantenerumab, is being given to 50 patients with mild to moderate symptoms on a month;y basis. Alzheimer's Research UK believe the drug is very promising however there is still a long way to go and more research is required.

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