Friday 28 June 2013

StreetDoctors- Student BMJ May 2013

StreetDoctors is an organisation run by doctors and medical students to teach young offenders how to save a life. CPR tends to be the focal point of most first aid courses, however for this target audience, a bleed-focused itinerary is more appropriate. The sessions include discussions of personal experiences alongside formal teaching on how to deal with bleeds. With most of the pupils having witnessed a stabbing, the young people engaged well with the material and understood the importance of protecting the health of their friends and family.

StreetDoctors- established at Liverpool University 2008 

The main message appears to be emphasising the importance of preventing blood loss: if you lose blood your heart and brain stop working, the only place to get more blood is at the hospital. This simple concept is used to teach the children the importance of reducing bleeds and calling for an ambulance.

Personally, I think this is a great scheme. From my experience of teaching at local schools with the BrightWAMS society, young people really engage when provided with fun and relevant interactive sessions. Informing people, particularly those at risk,works to demonstrate that you don't need medical training to be able to save someone's life. Through basic procedures such as calling for an ambulance, raising a limb, applying pressure and bandaging, even young people can potentially make a difference.

The scheme is growing and is currently running at several UK locations. Hopefully it will continue to grow (and come to Brighton!)- I'd love the opportunity to get involved. For more information go to

Carter S.'StreetDoctors; teaching first aid to young offenders'. Student BMJ 2013;21:f2241. Available from URL:




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