Friday 18 November 2011

NHS need to target their hidden waiting list

Patients are supposed to be seen by the NHS within 18 weeks however over 250 000 patients have waited for more than their fair share of time. Health Ministers say we must aim to reduce this backlog to 50 000 by April 2012. It is believed that there isn't a bit enough incentive to reduce these hidden waiting lists as it could be justified to leave patients for over 18 weeks for clinical reasons (such as weight loss) or personal/ work commitments.
Andrew Lansley states that next year we will 'clamp down on this practice' to ensure patients are treated. By extending the contractual conditions patients past the 18 week marker will not be forgotten, giving an increased incentive for hospitals to treat their patients. Lansley explains that if we can reduce the 'volume of growth' for the demand of NHS resources we will be more able to treat the patients who have become lost in the system.

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