Saturday 5 November 2011


I've just donated money toward my cousin's boyfriend who is growing a beard to raise money and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer. 'Movember' is a monthly campaign whereby men across the world are encouraged to grow a moustache. These men, the 'Mo Bros' are promoting the awareness which hopefully is encouraging people to talk about prostate cancer. It may also work by encouraging other men to go for a prostate examination.

With 1 in 9 men suffering from prostate cancer and one man dying each hour of everyday, this is a worthwhile cause. It is the most common cancer type within the male population. Testicular cancer is expected to kill 70 men in 2011. Unlike prostate cancer, which largely affects those over 50, testicular cancer is most common for those aged between 15-44. Men are encouraged to self examine regularly and to be aware of the size and shape of their testicles so they can report changes to their doctor.

The money raised in Movember is going to used to increase awareness and education as well as towards research. It is thought that global collaborative research projects are more effective than individual ones as multidisciplinary teams of key researchers can work together to increase the chance of a break through in less time.

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