Tuesday 25 October 2011

An exciting new media- 'Medikidz' Medical Superhero Comics (BMJ)

After the article I read the other week about the bad press the NHS were receiving, I was pleasantly surprise to come across these new comics which education patients about medical conditions. There are 5 superheroes (Axon, Pump, Chi, Skinderella and Gastro- can you guess which areas?!) which specialise in a certain part of the body and take the child through the causes, symptoms and possible treatment. With 23 different titles, each issue addresses one single condition by using fun analogies to help children understand medical jargon.

Alongside these comics they are working on a children's online network so children around the world can talk to others with similar conditions and share their experiences in a safe environment. Student BMJ reports that 'having this sense of community can have a positive influence on their psychological state, thus enhancing their confidence and further improving their condition'.

This is a nice idea and hopefully will be used to teach children about medicine in a way which is both friendly and fun. I think it would be useful for doctors to inform parents of those suffering from life changing conditions about this magazine so they can make the decisions whether to get involved online and purchase the comics.


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