Monday 8 November 2010

An insight into how HIV can be controlled with Anti-retrovirals

1 in 300 people have the ability to control the HIV replication due to a difference in 5 amino acids making a protein called HLA-B. in a genome wide association study, they found 300 points were found to be associated with immine system control of HIV in the region of chromosome 6 which codes for HLA-B.

HLA-B is involved in the immune system when recognising virus infected cells to destroy. The binding pockets on the protein drag and drop peptides from inside the virus onto the cell membrane. CD8 T killer cells then recognise the virus and destroy the cell.

UK scientists think we still have a long way to go before we can develop a new drug or vaccine but we are an important step closer.

BBC News 4th November

Yesterday the Guardian reported, in the developing world, that by focusing on HIV, there are billions of patients who could be receiving cures for other conditions but are not. Victims of the world's most pernicous illnesses could be treated for less than 30p per patient annually however resources are being targeted at HIV, Malaria and TB which infedcts a much smaller fraction of their populations and treatable tropical diseases are being neglected.

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