Sunday 14 November 2010

Homeopathy works- consultations on remedies

Homeopathy is based on the theory that by using substasnces that cause symptoms in a healthy person can be diluted and used to treat sick patients.

Daily Telegraph reported today that sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis who visited a homeopathic doctor experienced significant reductions in pain and inflammation, regardless of whether they received the genuine homeopathic medicine or the placebo. The patients who were given the remedies but not the consultations did not improve. The study suggests that talking and listening to patients could significantly assist their health.

It was also suggested that conventional doctors have some important lessons to be learnt in patient-centred care and how the consultation process can have a huge effect on the patient's health. This could have positive implications on how doctors are trained and how they communicate with patients more effectively as there is always room for improvement.

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