Thursday 27 June 2013

Care Assistant Work

Finally back home, after a very busy term!

This summer I will be working as a care assistant again. I have joined an agency where I will be allocated to local residential and nursing homes, as and when I am required. I am interested in how my experiences may differ now that I have had a year of medical training. I like the idea that I should now be able to understand the clients notes better. Hopefully I will be able to apply my pharmacological knowledge to make sense of the clients' side effects and predict what medication they may be on, based on their past and on-going medical history.

Right now I feel like a need a bit of a break from the whole world of medicine. However after I have recovered from my first year and got some more sleep I'm sure it will be a great opportunity to practice my knowledge, develop my bedside manner and earn a little money.

Recovering from a busy term.

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