Saturday 10 September 2011

'Time to Change' Survey shows our fathers are the last people we talk to about mental health


The 'Time to Change' campaign about the discrimination and stigma against people with mental health found that we are less likely to talk to our dads about mental health problems we suffer from. 26% talked to their GP first before telling their families and 37% of people talked to their partner before sharing their problems with parents and siblings. Only 1% of people would tell their dad first.
Charities 'Mind' and 'Rethink' are promoting a discussion of mental health to try and get people talking more openly about their problems. This is a national campaign which is touring up and down the country to try and reduce the stigma. The campaign, 'It's time to talk, it's time to change' aims to "break down those barriers and empower families to speak out so that people’s attitudes change towards mental health.”
I have ordered the annual review from the website so I can learn about the progress which has been made towards ending the discrimination of those suffering from mental illnesses. I am hoping to attend a lecture on mental health provided by SEPT at the end of the month (providing I get the day off work!).

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