Tuesday 6 April 2010

Targeting Obesity

It has been reported by the BBC that we are required do at least one hour of exercise a day to target the growing issue of obesity as the recommended 30 minutes may not be enough to tackle the excessive weight gain.

The longitudinal (12 year) study was researched on 34,000 Americans, however they were all female participants so the results may not be so eaily generalised to both sexes. It may also be noted that the sample used was ethnocentric. The research has further limitations, for example, the women's diet was not controlled or recorded during the study; this could have been a major extraneous variable. Also self report methods were used to record the participants exercise levels and weight so the accuracy is questionable as bias may have been introduced.

Further studies may need to be conducted to take diet into account and other lifestyle factors which may alter an individual's risk of suffering from obesity.

We do already know the great health benefits of exercising, these include:
  • a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, premature death.
  • a decrease in blood pressure, body fat, cholesterol levels, arthritis symptoms, mental and muscular tension, feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Relaxes and revitalizes, increases concentration and energy levels
  • Increases self-esteem, self-confidence and promotes psychological well-being.

Recently I have started to exercise more, regularly attending aerobics classes; also I am starting to go on bike rides with my Mum. I am aware that I am not exercising as much as I should be, however some is better than none and I hope to improve my health a little!

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