Wednesday 31 March 2010

Personal experience of Cancer within the family: Update

My Gran was moved out of the hospital and into a hospice in Letchworth, where she was having rehabilitation. She has shown great improvement, she is now walking and able to use the toilet herself; however she was still suffering with high levels of anxiety and only allowed her 4 children to visit her. On mother's day they came to the hospice for tea and cake, however being with too many people causes her stress.

Very recently the hospice have made the decision that she is well enough to go home, so my Dad helped her as it was causing her distress. She is still coming back to the hospice but allowed to live in her own home with one of her sons. The hospice has formulated a plan with the family know as 'hospice at home' where member of the care centre will come to visit. The plan also includes details on both friends and family members to come and visit her.
It is unsure of, what the next step will be and is dependent on how she is developing.

Sunday 28 March 2010


Today I started my voluntary work at Elmside, a home for elderly care in Hitchin. Many of the residents go to church on a Sunday morning however those who do not often find themselves with little to do. I am volunteering for this morning period. Today I started talking to residents to keep them company and doing crosswords with small groups. Before I am able to make hot drinks in the cafe I need to learn the health and safety precautions.

In the home there is an area where sufferers from dementia live; these residents have a photograph of themselves outside of their room, due to the memory issues with the condition. I found this particularly interesting as I have recently completed a report on Alzheimer's disease with a friend, which may hopefully get published on the internet.